PDW | Summer Campsite 2022 Morale Patch
159 kr
A sunny day with a great spot by the lake, grab your rod and cast a line because it's a perfect Outsider moment.
High Speed Gear | Medical Patch Combo | Svart
159 kr
Combo pack innehållandes 2 st kardborreförsedda PVC patchar, 1 st kors och 1 st TQ.

För märkni...
High Speed Gear | Medical Patch Combo | Coyote
159 kr
Combo pack innehållandes 2 st kardborreförsedda PVC patchar, 1 st kors och 1 st TQ.

För märkni...
High Speed Gear | Medical Patch Combo | OD
159 kr
Combo pack innehållandes 2 st kardborreförsedda PVC patchar, 1 st kors och 1 st TQ.

För märkni...
PDW | Memento Mori Jolly Roger | Type 1
150 kr
Stay on the offensive and show others you are ready to attack.

PDW Memento Mori Jolly Roger Type 1 Morale Patch har...
PDW | Memento Mori Jolly Roger | Type 2
150 kr
Stay on the offensive and show others you are ready to attack.

PDW Memento Mori Jolly Roger Type 2 Morale Patch har...
PDW | Exploration Team Logo Morale Patch
140 kr
The PDW Exploration Team is a confederation of members with aligned interests and objectives on a project by project b...
High Speed Gear | Medical Patch TQ | OD
129 kr
Kardborreförsedd PVC patch för märkning och identifiering av tourniquet ficka.

Mått: 3,2 x 3,2...
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