FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection  | Coyote Brown i gruppen PLATTBÄRARE hos Equipt AB (FC-AC-RETCN1-NS-CB)

FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection | Coyote Brown

The Retention Collection is a multi-application kit we put together to help with organization of items on your plate carrier, chest rig, or virtually anywhere else. The kit is capable of securing and retaining many items (e.g., PTTs, cables, antennas, tourniquets, chem sticks etc.) in numerous locations.


129 kr
FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection  | Coyote Brown
FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection  | Coyote Brown
FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection  | Coyote Brown
The kit includes two 20” lengths of 1/8” shock cord mainly for use with the two MOLLE retainer plates. These MOLLE retainer plates act like our popular PTT retainers but with more versatility and allow for mounting of items on vertical or horizontal MOLLE. Also included are two 12” lengths of 1/8” shock cord and two cord locks. These can be mounted however you see fit (around shoulder straps for cable management, though grommet drainage holes for tourniquets, etc.). If you’re still not following, just scroll through the photos and you’ll get the idea.


Multiple applications
Does not reflect under IR light/NOD
2x 20” L shock cords
2x MOLLE retainer plates
2x 12” L shock cords
2x Cord locks

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FERRO CONCEPTS | Retention Collection  | Coyote Brown
129 kr
The Retention Collection is a multi-application kit we put together to help with organization of items on your plate c...