Immediate Casualty Care | Min-E-Med IWB
Contents shown not included.

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Tourniquets: CAT (all generations), SOFT-T, RMT (all sizes), Combat Medical TMT
Compressed Gauze: Combat Gauze, H&H Flat Compressed Gauze, NAR Compressed Gauze, Celox™ RAPID
Bandage/ETD: H&H Mini-Compression Bandage, NAR Mini-Responder
Chest Seals: Hyfin Compact Chest Seals, HALO Vent Chest Seal
Since its release, the IWB series has also been evaluated and used by private security firms, survival experts, and non-permissive environment specialists who have used the IWB as Escape and Evasion, Covert Travel, and mini-bug out kits. Whatever you want to be ready for, the Min-E-Med IWB series is flexible enough to meet your needs.
Be an asset when things go wrong.
Technical Specs:
9" x 6", stainless steel clip (removable), about 3.5oz, made from latex free elastic. Made in the USA by a veteran owned fabricator.